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Description of the scene field

interface SceneState {
    updatedAttributesFromUI: string[] | undefined
    updatedAttributesFromPlayer: string[] | undefined
    focusedNodeId: string


Updated by: UI/Player

Notify the Player that some attributes were updated in the UI. The Player will send the update to the other users.

Data model

updatedAttributesFromUI: string[] | undefined


An attribute has been updated

    "updatedAttributesFromUI": ["Status"]

Operations done by the Player

Once received by the Player, the attributes are removed from updatedAttributesFromUI.


Updated by: Player

Notify the UI that some attributes were updated by a live user on the same file.

Data model

updatedAttributesFromPlayer: string[] | undefined

Operations done by the Player

The Player updates the updatedAttributesFromPlayer:

    "updatedAttributesFromPlayer": ["Status"]


Updated by: UI/Player

The ID of the node that is focused.

Data model

focusedNodeId: string


Focus on a node


Operations done by the Player

If the user focuses on a Node in the 3D view by double-clicking on it for instance, the Player changes the focused node:


November 24, 2022 March 8, 2022