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Description of the variables field

interface VariablesState {
    smartshape: SmartshapeVariables


Updated by: Player/UI

Represent different state variables needed by the server when requests are sent.

Data model

interface SmartshapeVariables {
    activeConfigurationId: string
    activeLayers: string
    activeSceneTree: string
    activeSearchQuery: string
    activeAnnotationSearchQuery: string
    file: {
        privateUrl: string
    behavior: {
        color: string
        hidden: string
        lock: {
            annotate: string
            lockedAction: string
            quote: string
            select: string
        transparent: string
    clippedByPlanes: string
    modifier: {
        hidden: string
        ignored: {
            hidden: string
            color: string
            transparent: string
            lock: string
        lockedAction: string
        lockedActionValue: string
    visibleNodes: string,
    selected: string


Initial state

  "smartshape": {
    "activeConfigurationId": "",
    "activeLayers": "true",
    "activeSceneTree": "",
    "activeSearchQuery": "true",
    "activeAnnotationSearchQuery": "true",
    "file": {
      "privateUrl": "string(\"\")"
    "clippedByPlanes": "false",
    "behavior": {
      "hidden": "false",
      "color": "false",
      "lock": {
        "select": "false",
        "annotate": "false",
        "quote": "false",
        "lockedAction": "false"
      "transparent": "false"
    "modifier": {
      "hidden": "false",
      "lockedAction": "select",
      "lockedActionValue": "nth(array(\"select\"), 0)",
      "ignored": {
        "hidden": "false",
        "color": "false",
        "transparent": "false",
        "lock": "false"
    "visibleNodes": "",
    "selected": ""

The file cubes.fbx opened, with the active search "*" and a node selected

  "activeConfigurationId": "622356c4d5ea22000c67d127",
  "activeLayers": "true",
  "activeSceneTree": "",
  "activeSearchQuery": "*",
  "activeAnnotationSearchQuery": "true",
  "file": {
    "privateUrl": ""
  "clippedByPlanes": "false",
  "behavior": {
    "color": "false",
    "hidden": "false",
    "lock": {
      "annotate": "false",
      "lockedAction": "false",
      "quote": "false",
      "select": "false"
    "transparent": "false"
  "modifier": {
    "hidden": "false",
    "lockedAction": "select",
    "lockedActionValue": "nth(array(\"select\"), 0)",
    "ignored": {
      "hidden": "false",
      "color": "false",
      "transparent": "false",
      "lock": "false"
  "visibleNodes": "",
  "selected": "id:622356c56714ca001042993a"

Operations done by the Player

When modifier types are ignored by the Player, the field modifier/ignored is updated:

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/variables/smartshape/modifier/ignored",
    "value": {
      "hidden": "true",
      "color": "true",
      "transparent": "false",
      "lock": "false"

November 24, 2022 March 8, 2022