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Getting started


Creating a new SmartShape environment

Each SmartShape installation is composed of multiple environments (ex: dev, staging, prod...). To create and initialize a new environment, please use the cluster initialize command.

smartshape-cli cluster initialize

This command will generate the following smartshape folder:

└── env
    └── dev
        ├── default.jsonnet
        └── smartshape.jsonnet

Default configuration

By Default:

  • The environment's name is dev.
  • The environment's hostname is

To create an environment named prod

smartshape-cli cluster initialize prod

Generating a target

Each environment can lead to the generation of one (or more) targets. Each target is a specific

The available targets are:

  • helm (WIP) to deploy SmartShape on Kubernetes via the Helm package manager.
  • docker-compose to deploy SmartShape on Docker via docker-compose.
smartshape-cli cluster generate --target docker-compose
smartshape-cli cluster generate --target helm
The helm target is still a work in progress

The helm target is still under heavy development and might not work as expected.

Generate a target for specific environments

The cluster generate command accepts one or more optionnal path to one ore more environments.

For example the following command will generate the docker-compose target only for the dev environment:

smartshape-cli cluster generate -t docker-compose ./smartshape/env/dev

Best practices

  • Add all the files in the smartshape folder to your version control system (ex: Git).
  • Always remember to call the cluster generate command after editing smartshape.jsonnet.

Target files are read-only!

The files generated under the target folder are read-only on purpose, and any modification will be completely erased by the next cluster generate command.

Running a target

Once a target has been generated, it can be managed using the corresponding tool(s).

For example, the docker-compose target generates a valid docker-compose.yml stack and all the corresponding configuration files for all its services.

cd ./smartshape/env/dev/target/docker-compose
docker-compose -p smartshape up -d
cd ./smartshape/env/dev/target/docker-compose/vagrant
vagrant up


  • Add the environment's hostname ( by default) to your hosts file.
  • Open the SmartShape Web application on Docker registry authentication

In order to be able to pull the container images used to run SmartShape, you must first run docker login

November 24, 2022 November 24, 2022