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Description of the offline field

interface OfflineState {
    fileToPull: {
        fileId: string
        fileName: string
        downloadUrl: string
        layers: string[]
    } | undefined
    fileToPush: {
        fileId: string
        downloadUrl: string
    } | undefined
    fileToRemove : string[]
    apiIsReady: boolean


Updated by: UI

Notify the Player that it needs to pull the file with the given information.

Data model

fileToPull: {
    fileId: string
    fileName: string
    downloadUrl: string
    layers: string[]
} | undefined


Notify the Player to pull a file

      "fileId": "61f8f80d5d3c8d000b021eaf",
      "fileName": "cube.fbx",
      "downloadUrl": "",
      "layers": []


Updated by: UI

Notify the Player that it needs to push the file with the given information.

Data model

fileToPush: {
    fileId: string
    downloadUrl: string
} | undefined


Notify the Player to push a file

      "fileId": "61f8f80d5d3c8d000b021eaf",
      "downloadUrl": "",


Updated by: UI

Notify the Player that it needs to remove the files with the given IDs.

Data model

fileToRemove: string[] | undefined


Notify the Player to remove a file



Updated by: Player

Notify the UI that the offline-api is ready.

Data model

apiIsReady: boolean

Operations done by the Player

The Player sets the field to true when the offline-api is ready:


November 24, 2022 March 8, 2022