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Description of the annotation field

interface AnnotationState {
    annotations: Annotation[]
    selectedAnnotationId: string | undefined
    focusedAnnotation: AnnotationFocused | undefined
    awaitForPicking: boolean
    annotationLabels: AnnotationLabel[]
    isCurrentAnnotationLocked: boolean
    currentlyEditedAnnotation: TemporaryAnnotationData | undefined


Updated by: UI

List of the Annotations to show on the 3D model.

Data model

interface Annotation {
    cameraX: number
    cameraY: number
    cameraZ: number
    cameraTargetX: number
    cameraTargetY: number
    cameraTargetZ: number
    name: string
    content: string
        lastUp    file: string
    author: string
    permissions: {
        delete: string[]
        readDescription: string[]
        readDiscussion: string[]
        readTargets: string[]
        readTitle: string[]
        writeDescription: string[]
        writeDiscussion: string[]
        writeTargets: string[]
        writeTitle: string[]
    writePermissions: string[]
    readPermissions: string[]
    tags: string[]
    targets: AnnotationTargetPoint[]
    targetObjects: AnnotationTargetPoint[]
    id: string
    unreadComments: number
    attributes: Attribute[]
    attributeMetadata: AttributeMetaData[]
    label?: string
    color?: [number, number]
    shape?: number


Show no Annotation on the 3D model


Show one Annotation on the 3D model

            "nodeName":"Cube 1",


Updated by: Player/UI

ID of the selected Annotation.

The outline of the hotspot of the selected Annotation takes the color of its center to show it's selected.

Data model

selectedAnnotationId: string | undefined


Select an Annotation

    "selectedAnnotationId": "61f8f8dda3d924000949dcd2"

Deselect the currently selected Annotation

    "selectedAnnotationId": ""

Operations done by the Player

When the user selects or deselects an Annotation in the 3D view, the Player updates the field:

  "annotation": {
    "selectedAnnotationId": "61f8f8dda3d924000949dcd2"


Updated by: UI/Player

Asks the Player to focus the camera on an Annotation.

  • annotationId: ID of the Annotation to focus the camera on.
  • targetId (optional):ID of the specific target point or target object of the Annotation to focus the camera on.
  • duration: Duration of the focus animation in seconds.

Data model

interface AnnotationFocused {
    annotationId: string | undefined
    targetId: string | undefined
    duration: number


Focus on an Annotation during 0.5 seconds

    "focusedAnnotation": {

Focus on a specific target of an Annotation during 0.5 seconds

    "focusedAnnotation": {

Operations done by the Player

The Player acknowledges the operation by deleting the field entirely.


Updated by: UI

Enable the Annotation picking mode. When it's enabled, each time the user clicks on a Node, the Player updates the field /annotation/currentlyEditedAnnotation with a temporary Annotation placed where the user clicked.

Data model

awaitForPicking: boolean


Enable the Annotation picking mode

  "annotation": {
    "awaitForPicking": true


Updated by: Player

Maintains a one-to-one relationship with /annotation/annotations.

The Player doesn't show the label of the Annotation next to its hotspot when an Annotation is selected. This field allows the UI to show the label of the Annotation in the 3D view when it's selected.

  • annotationId: ID of the Annotation described by this AnnotationLabel.
  • name: Name or label of the Annotation (if it's customized by an AnnotationMetadata).
  • enabled: true if the Annotation is currently selected.
  • viewportPosition: Position of the Annotation in pixels in the space of the 3D viewport.

Data model

interface AnnotationLabel {
    annotationId: string
    name: string
    enabled: boolean
    viewportPosition: {
        x: number
        y: number
        z: number

Operations done by the Player

The Player automatically updates the list to match /annotation/annotations and to update its values when the Annotations move on the screen:

  "annotation": {
    "annotationLabels": [
        "annotationId": "61f8f80e445b5a000d09ce2c",
        "name": "Annotation 2",
        "enabled": true,
        "viewportPosition": {
            "x": 640.399,
            "y": 390.37,
            "z": 21.36


Updated by: UI

Prevents the Player from automatically deselecting the currently selected Annotation (see /annotation/selectedAnnotationId) when the user clicks elsewhere in the 3D view.

Data model

isCurrentAnnotationLocked: boolean


Prevent the Player from deselecting the selected Annotation

    "isCurrentAnnotationLocked": true


Updated by: Player

Contains a temporary Annotation when the Annotation picking mode is enabled (see /annotation/awaitForPicking) and the user clicks on a Node in the 3D view.

Two use-cases are supported:

  • Updating an existing Annotation: If there's an Annotation currently selected (see /annotation/selectedAnnotationId), the fields camera{x|y|z} and cameraTarget{x|y|z} are not set.
  • Creating a new Annotation: If no Annotation is currently selected, all the fields are set.

AnnotationTargetPoint corresponds to a Target Point placed where the user clicked in the 3D view.

Data model

interface TemporaryAnnotationData {
    name: string
    content: string
    cameraX: number | undefined
    cameraY: number | undefined
    cameraZ: number | undefined
    cameraTargetX: number | undefined
    cameraTargetY: number | undefined
    cameraTargetZ: number | undefined
    targets: AnnotationTargetPoint[]

interface AnnotationTargetPoint {
    id: string
    node: string
    nodeName: string
    position: {
        x: number
        y: number
        z: number
    surfaceNormal: {
        x: number
        y: number
        z: number
    subsurfaceId: number
    surfaceUuid: string

Operations done by the Player

The Player always deletes and creates the field entirely. It never updates it:

  "annotation": {
    "currentlyEditedAnnotation": {
      "cameraTargetX": -0.7882795333862305,
      "cameraTargetY": 0.3114798069000244,
      "cameraTargetZ": 0.7025842666625977,
      "cameraX": 14.252565383911133,
      "cameraY": 9.14390754699707,
      "cameraZ": 15.817441940307617,
      "content": "",
      "name": "Annotation 2",
      "targets": [
          "id": "1",
          "node": "61f8f80e445b5a000d09ce2c",
          "position": {
            "x": 0.9445915222167969,
            "y": 0.6485381722450256,
            "z": 3.892573356628418
          "subsurfaceId": 0,
          "surfaceNormal": {
            "x": -0.7882797718048096,
            "y": 0.3114820420742035,
            "z": 1.702585220336914
          "surfaceUuid": "5b6ddfd7-5db2-5170-7594-1ba27c3bb1b0"

November 24, 2022 March 8, 2022