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Monitoring dashboard

If enabled in the server configuration, a Grafana instance is directly accessible on /monitoring/.

The embedded dashboards provide informations about:

  • Hardware monitoring (per-node CPU, RAM, disks, network traffic...).
  • Container monitoring (per-container CPU, RAM, network traffic...).
  • MongoDB monitoring (via mongodb_exporter).
  • Redis monitoring (via redis_exporter).

Custom monitoring

HTTP endpoints

URL HTTP Response Code HTTP Response Body
/file/ping 200 pong
/scene/ping 200 pong
/account/ping 200 pong
/annotation/ping 200 pong
/update/ping 200 pong
/webhook/ping 200 pong


Name Restarts automatically1 Command2
Live API Yes /usr/bin/node /opt/smartshape-server/roles/live-api/dist/index.js
File API Yes /usr/bin/node /opt/smartshape-server/roles/file-api/dist/index.js
Scene API Yes /usr/bin/node /opt/smartshape-server/roles/scene-api/dist/index.js
Annotation API Yes /usr/bin/node /opt/smartshape-server/roles/annotation-api/dist/index.js
Update API Yes /usr/bin/node /opt/smartshape-server/roles/update-api/dist/index.js
Account API Yes /usr/bin/node /opt/smartshape-server/roles/account-api/dist/index.js
Webhook API Yes /usr/bin/node /opt/smartshape-server/roles/webhook-api/dist/index.js
Webhook Service Yes /usr/bin/node /opt/smartshape-server/roles/webhook-service/dist/index.js
Optimize Service Yes /usr/bin/node /opt/smartshape-server/roles/optimize-service/dist/index.js
RabbitMQ Yes /bin/sh /opt/rabbitmq/sbin/rabbitmq-server
MongoDB Yes mongod

  1. result of the ps faux shell command. 

  2. those processes are watched by another process and will restart if they exit with a non-zero return code. 

November 24, 2022 November 24, 2022